FAQ - frequently asked questions about VeggieHotels
Hotel search and booking
How can I tell whether a hotel is vegetarian or vegan?
On veggie-hotels.de you will only find hotels that are exclusively vegetarian or vegan. In the Search menu you can also restrict the criteria for your desired hotel e.g. filter for vegan houses only. Additionally, in the venue description of all VeggieHotels, you can easily recognize whether a hotel is completely vegetarian, vegetarian/vegan or purely vegan. The vast majority of certified VeggieHotels are vegan-friendly, as they also offer purely plant-based dishes.
Do you list venues that offer meat as well as vegetarian/vegan meals?
On veggie-hotels.de we exclusively present hotels, pensions and B&B guest houses, which specialize in 100% vegetarian or vegan cuisine. Our partner portal, vegan-welcome.com, lists recommendable vegan-friendly hotels, which always offer vegan alternatives besides their conventional fare.
How do I know whether the hotel still has rooms available?
Vegetarian and vegan venues located all over the world are listed and described on veggie-hotels.de. You can plan your “veggie vacation” individually with the help of numerous search filters. Room availability can be requested by clicking on “Reservation request” or directly on the website of the venue.
Where can I see the room price for my desired dates?
Please request current prices for your desired dates with a non-binding booking request via our website or, by visiting the website of the respective hotel. VeggieHotels does not guarantee the correctness of the information on veggie-hotels.de, especially the prices. The noncommittal price quotations on veggie-hotels.de usually show the most favorable price per room. However, the exact price structure is incumbent on the venue operators and can be found either on the web page of the hotel or via a noncommittal reservation inquiry on veggie hotels.de.
How can I book a vegetarian/vegan venue on VeggieHotels?
VeggieHotels functions as a mediator between venues and customers. Our venues offer purely vegetarian as well as vegan fare to our health-conscious visitors, who would like to be spoiled on their vacation with culinarily delicious vegetable dishes. Therefore, on veggie-hotels.de there is an extensive listing and description of vegetarian and vegan hotels, pensions, guest houses and seminar centers for your Veggie dream vacation. By clicking on “reservation inquiry”, you can check each venue directly over the veggie hotels.de network. Alternatively you can find the contact data of all listed venues and address your questions directly to the hotel. A binding booking via veggie-hotels.de is not possible.
How can I search for a suitable VeggieHotel and/or a vegetarian/vegan travel topic?
You can find a suitable venue for your vegetarian or vegan holiday by clicking on “Search”. You then have three major categories to choose from:
1) Select a country as your travel destination.
2) Select travel topics such as vegetarian and vegan wellness hotels, or veggie long-distance travel. Yoga, hiking and city trips also find their place on our site as a separate search category.
3) As a third search option, you can make a detailed search using many other filters to find the hotel of your choice. Whether you want to take your dog with you on your journey or whether you value 100% organic at your veggie venue, our detailed search allows you complete flexibility with just a few clicks.
All relevant hotel details (e.g. exclusively vegan and/or gluten-free catering, guidelines for pets, etc.) are also listed directly below the hotel description.
Why are some venues described in more detail than others?
It is very important for us to offer you the best possible support in your search for the ideal hotel with a vegetarian or vegan offer. For this reason we also list venues, which are not yet certified VeggieHotels members, but are vegetarian or vegan run according to the venue operator. However, confirmed examination details are only available for certified VeggieHotels venues.
Where can I find more detailed information about the hotel guidelines (e.g. arrival and departure times)?
All hotel guidelines can be viewed directly on the hotel’s website. Alternatively, you can also contact the hotel operators via a non-binding booking enquiry and include all questions directly to the hotel. The contact details can be found under the hotel description on the VeggieHotels page for the hotel.
Hotel facilities & services
How can I tell whether the hotel furnishings are animal based or not?
Under the description of all VeggieHotels each hotel’s offer is clearly summarized in the subitems. From this list you can see, among other things, whether vegan care products and vegan room furnishings are offered by that particular VeggieHotels member .
Can I take my dog with me to the hotel?
Under the description of all VeggieHotels each hotel’s offer is clearly summarized in the subitems. This list tells you, among other things, whether pets are allowed. Under the menu item Search you can also limit your hotel search and search exclusively for dog-friendly venues. However, we also recommend that you contact your chosen animal-friendly hotel in advance and inform the operator that you would like to bring your pet with you.
Can I also book a package tour at VeggieHotels?
We currently offer venues in a variety of categories and with a wide range of vegetarian and vegan meals. Information about the available meals and other hotel offers can be found in the venue description. Arrival and excursions are to be organised directly with the chosen venue operator.
In our Special Offer and Veggietravel page you will find dates for seminars, cooking workshops, last minute journeys, fasting cures, vegan short trips, vacation packages and much more.
Do you show hotel ratings and can I submit mine after my visit?
On veggie-hotels.de we present you with pure vegetarian and vegan venues from all over the world. Ratings can not be given on our site. You are welcome to address your questions and/or feedback directly to our hotel partners.
Are there also venues with full board?
We currently offer venues in a wide variety of categories and with a wide range of vegetarian and purely plant-based meals. Information regarding the availability of meals and other hotel offers can be found in the venue description. Under the menu item Search you can also limit your hotel search and filter exclusively for venues with full board.
How do I find venues with gluten-free meals?
On your selected hotel’s VeggieHotels page, all offers are clearly summarized in subitems. This list tells you, among other things, whether gluten-free products are offered. Under the menu item Search you can also narrow your hotel search terms and look exclusively for venues with gluten-free offers.
How do I find venues which offer raw vegan meals?
On your selected hotel’s VeggieHotels page, all offers are clearly summarized in subitems. From this list you can see, among other things, whether raw food is offered. Under the menu item Search you can also limit your search terms to look exclusively for venues with raw food offers.
How do I find fasting venues on VeggieHotels?
You will find a suitable hotel for your fasting holiday under the menu item “Search”. Here you can search specifically for the topic “fasting courses”. For more detailed information regarding procedures and dates of fasting courses please send a noncommittal reservation inquiry via our site, or contact your chosen hotel directly.
How can I subscribe/unsubscribe to the VeggieHotels newsletter?
To subscribe or unsubscribe please click here VeggieHotels-Newsletter.
What is the “VeggieHotels Book”?
You will find a description on our book page.
Where can I order the VeggieHotels book?
You can buy the VeggieHotels book at the following link on Amazon: Veggie Hotels – The joy of vegetarian vacations.